Fertilization and Soil Care
In order to have healthy plants on your commercial property you must begin with healthy soils. Fertilization is just the start. Adjusting soil pH and ensuring adequate organic matter is present are also key to healthy soils. For plants in urban and suburban soils, Haynes Landscape and Maintenance can simulate the optimal conditions for growth found in nature. In fact, our patented Root Invigoration process combines all the above into a single treatment to achieve this goal.
Haynes offers the most intensive soil management programs in the landscape industry. Before fertilization is performed, soil samples are taken from the property and analyzed. Haynes Arborists submit more than 10,000 soil samples from client properties each year, which provides information for developing fertilizers for specific geographic areas.
We offer custom mixed fertilizers and all of which contain slow-release nitrogen that provides this nutrient gradually over the entire growing season. We developed blends specifically for Texas to account for the alkaline soils that dominate this state as well as the nutrient status of the typical soils. This means that nitrogen is not lost to leaching and runoff, which optimizes availability, while protecting the environment. If soil phosphorus levels are adequate or treatments are applied in sensitive sites such as watersheds, we use phosphate-free Boost products that are specifically formulated to eliminate water pollution from this nutrient.