Elm – Drake
Full Sun – Almost evergreen, very tough tree that requires low to high water and is resistant to pests. Tolerates compaction of soil.
Cypress – Bald leaf
Full Sun – Large, upright tree that thrives in wet waterlogged conditions as well as short periods of rather dry soil. Foliage turns bright orange-brown in fall. Pyramidal shaped when young and rounded with age. Susceptible to spider mites.
Crapemyrtle – assorted
Full Sun – A small ornamental tree, usually multi-trunked. Beautiful flowers all summer long. Choose from colors or red, rose, pink, purple or white. Fall foliage is yellow, sometimes orange to red. Both tree and shrub forms. Requires low water and is very drought resistant. Susceptible to powdery mildew, spider mites, aphids and sooty mold. […]
Chinese Pistache leaf
Full Sun – Large shade tree with beautiful fall color – scarlet, crimson, orange, sometimes yellow tones. Easy to grow, tolerant to drought and poor soil. Young trees often gawky and lopsided, but become dense and shapely several years later. Prune young to help strong branch development. Can be slow growing.